DataHaven works to strengthen community building and local policymaking in the Greater New Haven and Valley Region through sharing high-quality public information and data analysis. Since 1992, DataHaven has supported local non-profits in data reporting, developed community wellbeing surveys, and published data research and analysis on quality of life issues in the New Haven region.
To support the objectives of DataHaven, Tim explored two important issues facing the region: crime and immigration. Using Risk Terrain Modeling software, Tim analyzed crime data and crime-related risk factors to spatially model crime risk in New Haven across different crime types and with resident and “commuter-adjusted” population counts. High-risk areas were then geographically analyzed with quality of life survey responses to study the relationships between statistical crime risk and public perceptions on crime fears and neighborhood-level social capital. To analyze immigration patterns, Tim collected Connecticut-statewide data on foreign-born populations in 2012 and 2000 and mapped the spatial patterns of major immigrant communities at the town level. This analysis aims to illustrate what immigrant groups are prominent across the state, where (or if) these groups concentrate, and what has changed in these trends between 2000 and 2012.
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